Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chances Are...

My apologies to those who may have assumed by the title that this blog would be all about the 1989 flick starring Robert Downey Jr. and Cybill Shepherd (which I have not yet seen BTW). Aside from the brief mention in the opening two sentences, this blog has nothing to do with that movie...

Inspiration for my blog comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors. I really never know when it's going to strike. Sometimes, it's too frequently, and I unfortunately don't always have the time to share with you the many thoughts, ideas, and revelations I come across.

Today, I have the time...or perhaps I'm just making it...(Can you really make time? If so, can someone send me the recipe?)

Today I'm sharing some advice that you may find helpful, should you ever find yourself in a situation where it actually can be applied...

If, in the middle of a discussion, you feel the need to explicitly state, "I'm agreeing with you...", Chances Are you're probably disagreeing with them. Another clue that you can use is when you hear yourself frequently interjecting with the conjunction but...

Point being, there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone. Just don't patronize them by pretending you're in agreement, because unless you simply like hearing yourself talk, it doesn't take 10 minutes to explain how you're agreeing with them...

And to be fair, I can take the constructive crit as well as I can dish it. We are imperfect beings (myself included) living in an imperfect world.

Keep it Real...Just Do It...Pop the Trunk!!


SawxCJF said...

Ha ha ha...this one put me over the top for several reasons...love the ending of course (DO IT!!!) and also I think I may have an idea about whom you maaaay be referring with the "I'm agreeing with you" thing...maybe not, but may be...

Bitterly Indifferent said...

I find that happening a lot in the business world. It's mostly coworkers who have said "we're in agreement that..." when they want something completely contrary to what I'm trying to do.

Oddly enough, it's also at work where I encounter the "Yeah, no," expression, used to agree with someone.

ME: We aren't going to have off on Friday, are we?

BOSS: Yeah, no, we're coming in to work.

Willie Tuttafucco said...


I'm laughing because though this post applies to many individuals I know, the true inspiration for this blog also employs the "No, Yeah" expression (as opposed to the "Yeah, no" that you encounter...)