On our way home we take a shortcut in an effort to save time. I'd heard of this route before but had never ventured to take it. Everything seems fine. We start driving faster to save even more time. Suddenly, the road unexpectedly is intersected by a train We slow down to avoid the train but are thrown off course. The car on is now on the train tracks, We're picking up speed - roller coaster style. The speed manages to separate us and when I come to a stop I have no idea where I'm at. I wander around aimlessly not knowing where I'm headed Or which direction to go in. I found myself in the largest thrifty store you could ever dream of, Surrounded by many familiar items but none that interest me. Soon enough a pillow grabs my attention. Even though I have tons of pillows at home (more than I need in fact) I can't help but grab this one Continue wandering looking for a place to pay for it Or at least inquire about the cost. Unable to find a register or an employee to talk to I decide to leave. With the pillow Even though I have tons of pillows at home (more than I need in fact)
I figure my next move is to find some quiet place Where I can think straight enough to figure out where I'm at or more importantly, how I'm getting home. I find an exit and head out the door Immediately second-guessing my decision to leave I go back in the store but quickly determine I have no other options and must go. Because I could find no employees while I traversed the store Shortly after leaving the store I'm approached by a cop who wants to talk to me Strangely enough, he's not asking me to produce a receipt But is actually more concerned with the contents of the pillow Unable to confirm them with confidence I waive my rights Allowing him to cut it open. I have little concern for whether or not it gets destroyed. Since I never actually paid for it. I still have tons of pillows at home (more than I need in fact) If I can just find my way back there. To my surprise, he finds contraband after cutting it open. He tells me I'm going down. I ponder the plausibility of a setup Entrapment perhaps? I plead for mercy to no avail. Feeling like all is hopeless I close my eyes and pass out… When I awake I'm in my bed surrounded by my tons of pillows (I really do have more than I need in fact) I still feel alone I wonder if there's really no place like home Should I look out there to know for sure? I go back to sleep and continue dreaming  | Currently listening : I’ve Got Dreams To Remember By Otis Redding  | |
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