Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Features for True Teachers

INNOVATION: in·no·va·tion

Pronunciation: \ˌi-nə-ˈvā-shən\
Function: noun

1 : the introduction of something new
2 : a new idea, method, or device
Innovation may not quite be the right word but I really like that it's made up of two smaller words : namely INN and OVATION. Defining these words individually and recombining them gives us (an establishment for lodging an expression of praise). Therefore, trying new things gives others a place (or opportunity) to communicate admiration (or criticism).

So knock yourselves out! And when you wake up, let me know what thoughts came to mind about my blog while you were counting sheep...

The first new feature I'd like to point out is the What I was Just Listening to... feed from my profile. This chart on the right-hand side of the blog will display what was recently playing in my iTunes, and is one of the many charts available via For those not familiar with this site, it basically tracks (and charts) the music you listen to. It will recommend artists for you based on your taste (which is how I recently found out about Teedra Moses - see my April 30th blog entry). It's also a "community" site, so I've become "friends" with people in various parts of the world that happen to enjoy the same types of music as me. Pretty cool...if you're a nerd like me that appreciates these types of things...I'm registered under tuttafucco (surprise!!) if you have an account or decide to register and want to link up with me. Clicking on the link to my profile will take you to my page and allow you to see the weekly, monthly, and overall charts for the artists and songs I've been listening to.

The next blog feature I'd like you to feast your eyes on is the poll section...Pretty Self-Explanatory If You Ask Me...But you're not so I'll explain it briefly: currently, I'm curious to hear feedback about certain Toujours Tuttafucco genres that folks are interested to see/hear/read more of, in addition to ascertaining the level of interest in seemingly pointless surveys (though I can assure you every single word, post and song reference in this blog has a purpose and will speak to at least one of my faithful readers). If you wish to simply see me reach into the depths of my creativity cavity, be sure to check off the Other TBD box.

On deck is not quite a new feature, though the links are likely to change over time as I find additional noteworthy blogs "I Wish I Spawned". If you're at all a Sox fan and have ever been passionate about anything in your life, you'll no doubt enjoy and relate to RedSoxDirtyWater. If you're looking for "irregular reviews of books you never planned to read", look no further than BitterlyBooks. Personally, I rarely plan to read books, so it's a pretty safe bet any book reviewed in this blog is not on my to-read list. Notwithstanding, these reviews make me curious enough to add some of the books to my hope-to-read-someday list. Last but not least is ApostropheCatastrophe. Bad punctuation is all around us. And for those unable to slow down long enough to notice, when you have a moment, you can take a breather and peruse this blog for some good chuckles...

I've also enabled Anonymous-comment-leaving capabilities, for those wishing to have their voice heard but not bad enough to get a Google account. Or perhaps you simply don't want anyone else to know how much you adore my blog. Don't worry, it'll be our little secret...To celebrate this newfound option, I'm holding a contest, whereby the individual that comments on the most number of blogs by the end of 2008 will be awarded a very special, personalized prize from yours truly. Note: Mr. and/or Mrs. Anonymous will not be eligible for the special prize, as they have already notified me of their intention to conspire and take credit for a variety of comments that other people make.

In closing, I'd like to thank all those who have thus far taken the time to read my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ramblings posted on this blog...There's plenty more where they came really means a lot to me, and I hope to continue coming up with new ideas, as I try to find my way thru this crazy life and even crazier blogosphere...

Holla if ya Hear me!!!


SawxCJF said...

Ha ha ha ha your comment on the Corey thing...right now it might be any starter for the Celtics...any thoughts I had of a championship went out the door tonight...if you can't close out the Hawks on the road, even with their stupid ass thunder sticks, towels and every other fake bandwagon gimmick ever invented, you certainly can't beat the Pistons, Spurs or Lakers in a big game...very sad now...

SawxCJF said...

Oh, and I'll definitely check out the thing...very cool...I'm hitting the polls now!