So you probably thought from the "Title" that this may be my personal ode to Nike...but they wanted too much money for the licensing rights so screw 'em.
Really what this is about is my hesitancy to post my first legit blog... To back up a little bit, my previous 7 posts were born and raised on myspace, but I decided it was time to move on up like the Jeffersons. So I took the kids out of school mid-year and moved them to a new town where they don't know anyone...yet.
This was a tough decision but isn't that what solid parenting is all about??? Making tough decisions that your seed(s) may initially hate you for, but eventually (if you're lucky), they grow to appreciate the infinite wisdom and foresight you possess. If kids knew what was best for them, we wouldn't need parents, role models and mentors...
Anywho, my point is, though I have some previous blogs posted here for continuity-sake, this here's my first blogspot blog. kind of life your first kid from your second marriage. You try to love them all the same. So for a couple weeks I have been fighting a serious case of writer's block...well not quite writer's block because in actuality I could write but I just couldn't settle on what I wanted to write about. I've been toiling for weeks -
Do I dig up some original poetry I wrote in 98?
Do I post some self-explanatory lyrics from a song in heavy rotation on the iPod?
Do I go off on what frustrates me to no end about NBA commentators?
Do I profess my undying love for small kitchen appliances sold on infomercials?
Do I preview the playlists for some tuttafucco compilations that are due to be released in the next 2-4 weeks?
Do I plug my public folder for those that want to download cool music for free ( ?
Do I try to justify why I feel an innate desire to spend every free second on facebook?
Perhaps I will do some or all of these in future posts but for now I will briefly discuss a couple guilty pleasures -- Keeping Up With the Kardashians and the Hills.
Now I wouldn't consider myself quite a fan of reality TV, though there are some shows which I am completely magnetized by for various reasons. Aside from the obvious eye-candy, spurring debates over which K. Kardashian ranks #1, I must admit I'm drawn in by the camaraderie of the tight-knit family, with my absolute favorite being the down-to-earth dad, one Bruce Jenner. How he can survive being surrounding by such raging levels of estrogen is beyond me. He just seems like he'd be a cool cat to just kick it with. He takes everything in stride and he's definitely the type of person/husband/father I'd like to grow up to be. And as for The Hills, I think that show sucks me in for some of the same reasons that I have faithfully watched Days of our Lives for the past 15 years or so (minus a couple years in college when my priorities were elsewhere ;) - the situations these characters find themselves in are so absurdly unrealistic (and petty), that it helps me keep the drama of my own life in proper perspective. I mean, we all have shit to deal with in life, but I would not, I repeat would not, trade my pile of shit for a tenth of the shit these girls deal with on the regular. And of course, I know the magic of MTV and editing and such, but I think you can smell what the rock is cooking...
so there you have it. Not my finest work but at least it's out there and I can move on knowing I got the first one under my belt, and my best work has yet to come.
Thanks for reading.
Holla if ya hear me.
5 years ago
Well done. I always get freaked out when I look at more established blogs because they seem so organized, but I just tell myself that it's because they've had more time to grow into their own.
Congrats on creating ur own spot where u r free to say whateva the hell u r feelin @ the moment...may it serve all purposes to u @ the same time.
Love it T...and found it serendipitous that I'm watching The Rundown at the exact moment I read about what you're cooking...
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